Since 2014, we have offered youth in Dillon County a wide range of enrichment programs to unleash their potential. We provide them a nurturing environment that allows them to develop the skills they need to become prominent leaders of tomorrow. At Dillon County Boys and Girls Youth Center, we have a wide range of activities and programs that are catered to suit every child’s needs. Check out our list of programs, and stop by for a visit!
Reproductive Health Care
Life Skills
Reading Comprehension
"When Families Win, the Community Win!"
1. INDIVIDUALIZED: Assesses young people’s assets and needs early in the program and develops individualized strategies for meeting program goals.
2. INTENTIONAL: Activity planning and execution shows intentional focus on meeting learning goals and use of research-based instructional methods.
3. INTEGRATED: Programming builds skills, knowledge, and behaviors that promote academic success and healthy development. Activities show a blend of academic strategies and social/emotional development strategies throughout the day.
4. UNIQUE PROGRAM CULTURE: Creates a “summer culture” that is different from the school year and promotes a spirit of community and pride through traditions that bond staff and youth.
• We are transparent about the status of our programs and what parents should expect.
(i.e., COVID-19 safety measures, decreased operating hours, virtual transitions, peer to
peer contact plans, etc.).
• Gain an understanding of family’s basic needs as they transition their child to virtual learning
• Share available resources for at-home learning, economic relief, and community support.
• Share fun activities students and families can do together.
• Connect with more families to estimate enrollment and capacity.